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Rumors that mini iPad is bound to hit the market in 2012

You have probably heard the latest rumored about Apple to launched its own mid-sized gadget "mini iPad" late this year if you are a fanatic of this brand. The unconfirmed mini iPad has a screen size of around 7.8 inches, way smaller than the regular-sized iPad of 9.7 inch tablet, and making it similar to the size of Kindle Fire. In the Wall Street report published yesterday says that Apple's suppliers in Asia received an order of mini iPad screens of around 10,000. If this rumor turns out to be true, the company will probably ship nearly 10 million mini tablets in the last quarter of this year.

The estimated market price of this mini iPad is between current price of iPod Touch and the iPad, but it will probably be more expensive than its rival - the Kindle Fire. Most reports on the web says that the estimated price of this gadget will around $300 to $350. It also mention that the mini iPad will not using the same chip from the latest iPhone version, rather it will be using chip the same as with iPad 2. These are all speculation at this moment, as the company has not yet released its officialy statement.

The mini iPad will not surprise the public anymore as other companies have already produce smaller tablet. However, many tech analyst expected mini iPad to become one of the hottest gadgets on the current technological market and will sell very well. All we can do right now is to wait for the official day Apple will launch the mini iPad that probably will happen soon.

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Top Tools That Will Make Real Estate Professional's Life Easier

Real Estate Professionals are always searching for new tools every day that will make things easy for them and can solve all of their problems. Inside the real estate arena there are so many tools available to choose from, but how can we know which ones are the best to utilize to make our lives easier?

Nothing comes easy especially if you are in the real estate business. To make this as easy as possible here is a list of four tech tools you can use to make your life easier:

A Blogging Platform

You can use active rain, blogger, wordpress, zillow and other more platforms to start your blog. Having a blog is significant in real estate business because this is the place where you can established yourself as in expert in the field by providing information and answering questions of potential clients. Tip: just write and stop over thinking.

A Smartphone

Get one now if you still don't have this gadget. How this can help you? Smartphone whether it is an Iphone, Android or another smartphone on the market has features which can be a big help to your business, such as contact management, email, GPS, camera and so much more.

An Outstanding IDX

This is a must have tool for real estate agents. This is a real estate website that pulls information on the MLS which can be use to lure potential home buyers who are searching for properties online. These days, most home buyers are searching for homes to buy online.

A Tablet

Just grab one and never mind the brand of your tablet. This gadget will will make life easier in every possible way. Through this you can bring your office anywhere by having access to your documents and its ability to virtually sign contracts with clients and search properties whenever and wherever they want.

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Reject Distractions Using Email Pause Button

Email notifications that suddenly pops up while you are working is one distraction that will affect your work productivity. For instance, if you are working on a project that need to be finish at the end of the day and an email pops up, your attention will most likely diverted away on the task you are doing and sets you farther behind. Email is indeed a useful method of office communication, but there are times that you need to focus on work to hit deadlines without being bombarded with emails which some of them aren't really important. So how you will find a solution on this problem?

Introducing the Google Chrome Extension, Inbox Pause, which enable users to pause the receipt of emails during the times that they want to relax and focus on the task they are doing without no email interruptions.

How to use it!


Installed this extension on your Google Chrome browser, a blue button will appear on the toolbar after installation. Simply push the button to run the application and emails received will moved to different folder. Once you are not busy anymore and ready to received emails again, hit unpause and all emails sent to you during the break will transfer to your inbox folder.

With no emails to check, you can concentrate on your work or enjoy the dinner with your family without being distracted. This is a good option to try for those who are get easily distracted at work because it delays incoming emails to your inbox and temporarily store it to different folder that you can't see unless you will unpause the extension.

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